Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Homemade Marshmallows!

I found this idea off of another lady's blog called "Fun on a dime". It actually made a smaller batch, so in the future I'd probably double the recipe. It was easier to make then it looked like. 
 We mixed for 15 minutes. Just when it started to smell like dog's breath, it was nearing completion. I'm interested in looking into getting flavorings to flavor our future marshmallows.
 Just scraped the bowl and dumped them into the pans. 

   Gave them a bath covering of corn starch and powdered sugar.  
                                        We decided to make 2 colors!
At this time of completion they were the texture of marshmallow peeps. The recipe said to wait 4 hours for them to set. I already want to eat them, so we'll see how the 4 hour wait goes. :)

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