Monday, March 14, 2011

Packing 4 Utah Getaway!

So this is a picture of what I managed to pack this afternoon in preparation for going to Utah this weekend. I'm not sure where the time went...but it went. I busily threw away a lot of old Math, science, and math methods papers from old classes as I rummaged through my school brown bags. I must kind of felt good to throw them away! I also have to say there were actually some fun memories in looking at all the HARD WORK that I did in each of those classes. Some I surely won't miss. For as much as I used to hate has kind of grown on me. And NO I'm not about to become a math major. Don't worry I don't have a fever...But I'm sure I'd lose some brain cells if I had to be a math major. I need to keep as many brain cells as I can. 

Okay, so it seems I was a lot more busy than I had first anticipated being. I was kind of beat when I stopped for a water break. The goal is to fill the car to capacity in our mini Utah trips so that by the time July rolls around and the semester finishes up that we can easily move down to Utah for Student Teaching! Yay!

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