Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6 Day Headache :(

This last Wednesday March 2nd, I abruptly got a headache of piercing pain over my left temple area. I tried 2 Excedrin tablets which didn't seem to work. By Sunday evening, the pain was extreme. I gave in and tried one of my samples called Relpax. No luck. The pain surged on. The inside half of my right eye turned blood red. Monday I called in to the doctors and got in for a 4pm appt. I received 2 injections. 60 mg of Toradol and Phenergan. Between the two, I was pretty drowsy. I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 10am. I was able to get my repeat blood work done for my parathyroid levels which were slightly elevated last month, and new blood work for the anti-thyroid antibody. The second blood test is to check as a possibility for Hashimoto's disease. I also received a new migraine sample medicine called Maxalt. So time will tell if it is successful or not. Apparently, for migraine treatment, it is a trial and error kind of thing. Some meds. work well for some people, while not at all for others. I think I'm realizing a trend...It seems like it is this way for all types of medical treatment. 

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