Monday, March 14, 2011

Medical Update!

So I went to the doctors this late afternoon for follow-up questions regarding my abnormal thyroid antibody test results. Normal is below 20. Mine was 32. My blood pressure was much lower than even last week, and definitely lower than normal. It was 99/57 today. Last week it was 105/75. Normally it is around 127/75. So the doctor is looking into the possibility of Addison's disease. It is the malfunction of my adrenal glands. So to test his theory....tomorrow at 8am I will be shot up with an adrenaline rush and every 30 minutes for 2 hours blood will be drawn to be tested. If it stays near the baseline and doesn't shoot up, than chances are greater that I have Addisons' disease. So time will tell. The other possibility is Lymes disease. I can't imagine having been bit by an infected mosquito or tick. But who know's. The actual doctor fancy name for the test is AM cortisol level, Cosyntropin Stimulation Test. 
If it is anything like the glucose tolerance test....(in which I felt like death!) hopefully not. My thyroid glands are still swollen, and my thyroid and the muscles are slightly enlarged. At least it seems the doctor finally is seeing eye to eye with me. *The treatment for Addison's high doses of corticosteroids!**** This is what I was going to request be done today, so I'm not entirely shocked. I think that doctors like to be right in figuring out a diagnosis before their patients do. He asked why I thought of it, and I said it was the only disease connected with abnormally slow brain waves during the day. Maybe I should get my medical degree....

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