Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making Lasagna!

I decided to make a lasagna that I could put into the freezer for another day that I may be more busy or not feel like cooking!
 This meat we received from a local farmer. He filled his meat lockers to maximum capacity and had leftover meat. I was very impressed with how it cooked up. What you see is what you get. A portion of it didn't cook away into a pile of grease and disappear.
                                            Getting ready to layer away!
 Boiling the lasagna noodles. Always tricky to use this burner. When it is on, our smoke detectors always go off. So after this picture you can imagine me standing beneath the smoke detector waving a towel to get it to turn off. 
                                    Almost done! Still a little pink for me.
 I added 1/2 of the meat to my sauce mixture and put the other half into a ziplock bag and into the freezer for some other delightful meal.
 I had to cut my noodles since my pan was not big enough for them at full size.
 I used every noodle in the box! Minus the few I munched down.
Filled her to the brim and beyond. Definitely had some weight to her. 
Wrapped in aluminum foil and wrote the todays date on top in case I forget how long it is in the depths of our freezer. I lost my sharpie, so I had to resort to a Crayola marker. I now had 2 lasagnas and 1 pot pie. We cooked up the pot pie for dinner this evening, so it is no longer included in the count. 

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