Monday, March 14, 2011

Girl Scout Cookies!

We decided to spend our $5.00 money from Halloween. Yes, we just found the greeting card and decided to enjoy a spooktacular March! :D We bought a bag of Walmart brand potato chips, and a box of Samoa girl scout cookies. We added onion powder to a tub of sour cream to make dip for our chips. Yummy! 

I honestly think they shrunk the packaging. I clearly remember there being two columns of bagged cookies in this box!

I think the picture gives you a distorted view. Truly this cookie was way smaller than I remember it being. Think Oreo size. I guess for $3.75--at least I can hope that this scout troop can get some benefit from our purchase.

1 comment:

  1. My mouth is officially watering. Especially with the chips and dip. And I don't have any in the house either ;(
