Sunday, March 20, 2011

Alicia's 29th Birthday Celebration!

We made rainbow cupcakes for my birthday! You use up a lot of dishes, but it looks neat and is fun to eat! You'll need as many bowls as colors you decide to create. Pour the cake batter into each bowl and add food coloring. I think for the future I'd probably experiment with the flourescent colors instead of the ones we used. I think ours looked more like the Playdoh icecream you can buy at the store. 

 Holly watching us cook in the kitchen. We sure surprised her as we just walked in the front door without knocking. She was VERY excited!
 My birthday party a few days early. I actually turn 29 on March 22nd, 2011. Scary to think that Elizabeth is 19. Ahhhh, and I'm 29! Sounds old, but I don't feel old. 
                                     Anticipating opening the present!
 Ooh! An easter shirt and food containers in a neat carousel!

                    I'll have to wear a white shirt under this of course!
Holly enjoying her seat around the dinner table. We somehow forgot to take pictures of the other guests and the icecream. We enjoyed Birthday Bash ice cream and a chocolate cookie kind. I'm sure you know which one I partook from......(Hint...Birthday Bash!)
It was fun and I like my gifts!

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