Sunday, March 27, 2011

Protection Strips to go along Carpet/Tile Edges

This past week we got a message from management that we needed stripping to go along the edges of our tile and carpet areas. We needed 1 foot of clearance for the workman to install them. 

In our little abode, I was really mulling through my mind for ideas on how we were going to accomplish this. Somehow it all worked. I'm not sure why I worry so much about the details. 

We stacked Elizabeth's Spring semester belongings behind our bedroom door, shifted our couch and T.V. stand closer to the wall. Then moved our bookshelf further down from the edge of the carpet. Garrett Zirker from our ward helped Antonio lift the long couch up and move the concrete blocks to support the couch. We moved a lot of food cans to make a clearing along the carpet/tile edge. 

In the process we found a sneaky bag of rice krispies that had fallen behind the refrigerator.

I'll have to take pictures of what the change will be like. It is kind of fun having the couch in the center of the living room angled towards the front door and T.V.

                                 Furniture maze view from the front door.
                       Couch being angled towards the T.V. & front door.
                                                            Canned goods!
 We moved the wheelchair against the black couch and moved canned food (which we normally store under the couch!)
                 Some of Elizabeth's belongings for Spring semester.


  1. Hers are the box and blue bucket above the red bucket. The rest is our stuff.

  2. Not bad for such a small apartment. Well done matey.
    Thanks for keeping Elizabeth's school stuff!
