Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chickie Pot Pie & New Fabric!

I decided to make the crust for my Pi Day celebration 3.14! Yeah I realize that today is March 16th, but hey....I had the strength and energy to finish the dinner up today. 

 This is the white wheat pie dough. It was more crumbly than I thought it would be, but I liked the texture when it cooked. 
 This is my spectacular rolling pin, and part-time cocoa bottle!
                          Ready to add the filling!

 Uh Oh....Extra filling. I guess I need to make an additional pot pie. On to find another pie pan....
 This time I used regular white flour. I like the texture a lot better. We'll see how it cooks and be able to make a comparison later. 

 Filling added and ready to put into the oven.
                             The aroma is amazing! I can't wait to eat it!
                     The table is set, and we are almost ready to dine!
 Fabric I bought off of bulletin board this evening. It was $8.00 total. Each piece of the 4 fabrics on the right is 1/2 yard. The left two are sets of 6 inch squares. The pattern is brand new and was $1.50. Apparently the girl bought about 6 of these patterns and cut each one down to a different size. She had 2 leftover. This being one of them. 

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