Monday, April 18, 2011

Vitamin D 50,000 units!

I got my lab results back and my vitamin D is still low coming in on the score charts as 23. The range is 30-100. Now this is after I've been taking the 1,000 mcg of D-3 (the more easily absorbed) kind for the past 1 and 1/2 year! I thought for sure that would have made a difference--boy was I wrong! My parathyroid is working overtime, and my vitamin D is low. From what I gather online--that equates to a Hyper Parathyroid issue. Before I had the blood work done, the endrocrinologist said that if my calcium was high as well that it could mean I have Celiacs disease. That would mean that I would have to go on a Gluten Free diet--AKA No wheat stuff! That would stink! For the past year, I've been making the transition to better my health by eating brown rice, using wheat flour--things like that. 

Gluten free diet was my 3rd alternate option for eliminating seizures. I placed it in #3, since I thought it would be the hardest to follow. #2 was dairy free, and #1 was herbalistic remedies. I of course, haven't disciplined myself to go beyond successfully completing my first option of herbal remedies. 

So I'm a bit peeved that I've been the one pushing the doctors and pointing them in the right direction. I feel like they are the specialists and should be doing their job when I come to them. The endocrinologist said, "we'll of course everything points to the fact that you have Hashimotos' disease just by the fact that your antibodies are elevated." We'll, golly gee...I had that figured out weeks ago, but why did it take going to a specialist to verbalize that! So I have to get my Thyroid levels checked every 6 months now. Also, I have to keep an eye out on my parathyroid. The doctor said that he has seen #'s up in the 1,000's for people who have parathyroid issues, and that I should keep in mind that my level of 32 could jump up to a higher number without me even realizing it. 

So only because I kept on top of things and called about my labs, did the Dr. put in a prescription for me to take the 50,000 units of vitamin D for an entire YEAR! I've taken that dosage before but only for 1 month during my 7 week break. Compliments of the health clinic doctors. It didn't help much then, so my bets aren't too high that it will work this time. I probably shouldn't be so pessimistic, but if my levels are still low in 1 year, I think perhaps the doctors will be a bit more believing of what I have to say!

So here is the green liquid-filled magical capsule. Apparently so potent, that one pill is for an entire week. So now I just need to remember to take the blasted little bugger every FHE day on Monday. The pharmacy gave me a bottle with 4 little pills in it. It cost me $6.50. I will have to go back every month to get my next bottle. Thankfully, my prescription was put in at a Walgreens, so most likely anywhere I go...Walgreens will be there as well. I won't have to worry about transferring my prescription anywhere else. 

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