Monday, April 18, 2011

South Fork Elementary School

It's been a few days since I've been on the ball about posting on our blog, so I'll do a recap for you all! Last Wednesday, I rode out with a good ward neighbor and friend Sarah Spencer to South Fork Elementary school for the Lewis & Clarke Expedition play put on by the 4th graders. The play was a lot of fun to watch and listen to! A nearby student got a little restless who was sitting by a teacher so I got to watch the poor teacher wrestle the girl to hold her down and face her forwards. I must admit it was kind of entertaining. She didn't look like she had a lot of muscle. I was on the right side of the teacher so I had the perfect view! I watched a few segments of the play the night before, so it was from a scripted performance, but it was still a lot of fun to watch. I don't know a whole lot about Idaho's state history, and some of the students weren't clear when they spoke--so I'm not a whole lot more educated on the topic! Here are some pictures and video clips of the play that I managed to catch!

I will have to try to post the video clips later. They are apparently having difficulties right now.

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