Monday, April 18, 2011

Mom's Visit to Idaho!

The return of Elizabeth!! Mom arrived last Wednesday to bring Elizabeth back up to school for the start of Spring semester. It has been a lot of fun having Mom around. Elizabeth has a nice roommate named Chelsea. Funny part is they are the only two so far in their apartment. Each is anxiously hoping that it stays that way! I've seen it happen before. My first semester I moved part-way through the semester into a new apartment where there had previously only been 2 girls in that apartment. 

Anywho...we have kept ourselves busy in a number of ways! Shopping, making egg rolls, enjoying stir-fry!! The egg rolls were made in a double batch so that Elizabeth had some individually wrapped in saran wrap for quick meals on the go for those busy days. Here are a few pictures of our adventures! I guess I could've taken pictures of all the busy students in the various stores we went to, but hey we had to scout out our path through the store. In and out of clusters of roomies and ridiculously high stacked plastic 3 drawer units that filled in the inside aisles of Walmart! I have to say--not the smartest planning for allowing the influx of customers to navigate the aisle ways safely! Speaking of was all done by accident, but I nearly lost my arm between the edge of the wheelchair and a shelving unit. I was trying to hang a frying pan back up that we didn't want, so I used my right arm to grip the wheelchair while placing it up on the hook. Meanwhile, my sister grabbed the back of the chair and proceeded to push it forward. As I was yelping in pain, and she was wondering why the chair wasn't going forward---she proceeded to push harder! I had visions of this being the first time in my life to have a broken arm--And especially how horrid it would be to have done it the day before school started! We'll, I survived....I had quite the red mark to prove my sustained injury though. 

This weekend we had hopeful plans of going up to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was free admission day for the opening of Yellowstone. However, I was feeling really rotten on Friday, and Antonio had a nasty cold for the we didn't go. :( Hopefully, we'll have another opportunity to go in the future! 

Due to Antonio's sickness, and my feeling rotten...I re-located my bed to the couch in the living room. I turned into a bear when I already felt cruddy and then on top of it hardly got any sleep. Even though today is only Monday, I probably owe a lot of apologies and have some repenting to do for my irritable snappy self these last few days. 

                                                          The egg rolls!
                                                   My bed on the couch!
   Mom's air mattress plus my mattress memory foam topper bed!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys are having lots of fun. I bet it is nice to have visitors!
