Sunday, April 10, 2011

Random Adventures & Meals!

This is a dinner I had one afternoon. I woke up at 3pm, so I had pasta for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I must have been REALLY exhausted. I haven't slept that late in a LONG time!

 These cute little duckies Kristin found when we went hunting for freebies from D.I. piles at various apartment complexes. She wants to do a duck pond at the Farmers' Market and has been talking about it for several weeks. So to find a whole loot of them was absolutely amazing!
 This was a random scuba mask she found. We left it in a pile for someone else to enjoy.
 Cake mix cookies!! My new favorite way to make cookies! I've known about them for a while, but the idea has kind of slipped into the lost filing system coated with cobwebs section of my brain. So I basically haven't thought about it for a while. The turned out amazing! I even added chocolate chips to them!
This was another meal. We had pancakes. This was a compromise on my part. I wanted to add food coloring to them, but Antonio wanted plain pancakes. (boring!) So I made them into different shapes! My food has to be fun to eat!

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