Saturday, April 23, 2011

BYU-Idaho Campus Construction

An amphi-theatre is in the future for the quad space between the library and Manwaring Center. It will even be equipped with wireless internet. I took pictures while we were crossing the sky bridge on Friday. I'm curious to know where the statue is going to be moved to.

The statue is temporarily sitting on the sidewalk in the center of the picture. 

                                        Making progress with the digging!

                                        One side of the new BYU-I Center.
                                                    I counted about 14 stalls!
             The bathrooms in the Manwaring Center are huge now!
 Somebody wrote in chalk on the newly constructed stairs comments like "You can do it!" "Just one more stair up!" 

This is the evening before I took the shuttle down to SLC for my appt. at The University of Utah Hospital. I spent the night at Elizabeth's dorm, so she could help me get me and my luggage down to the shuttle on time.  

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