Sunday, April 10, 2011

Take 3 & Final Wheelchair Autoshop I pray!

The new tires arrived today and that meant taking apart the wheelchair AGAIN! I must say they looked all new and beautiful! 

A huge difference! They definitely needed to be replaced! They were slightly bigger in height, but they had to work. I hunted all over the internet and couldn't find the exact replica sizing in tires.
This was all the nasty nasty fur and dirt crammed up and around the left caster tire. It was disgusting. I didn't find nearly that much in the  right tire. It was also ten times harder to take apart that tire, since I had never removed it before. I had only taken the right one apart multiple times for measurements ect. We'll they worked!!! I reassembled both tires and took her out for a joy ride through the parking lot! Success! Ready for a new semester!

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