Saturday, April 30, 2011

Farmers' Market 2011!

Other than being frigid the Farmer's Market was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures I took of the stands in the market. Elizabeth and I shared a bratwurst to fill out hunger. We also bought a mis-fit bar of soap for $2.50. We cut it in half with plans to share it since we both liked the scent it had.
          Bratwurst, apple drizzle stand, and French Fry/Onion Ring guy.
                                                     Flower Headband lady.
                                                              Cotton Candy!!
                          Bachelor pad-hehe The roasted Corn on the Cob!
                                Chinese food and BYU-I students pottery.
                        Madison county Ambulance & Fire Department.

                                               Me! Trying to keep warm!
                              Local honey and BYU-I Horticulture stand.
                 Soap stand and homemade cheese from their local dairy.

                    Just playing with the fabric and my camera!

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