Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dismantling Wheelchair Take 2!

So I called a different company that I just randomly came across on my hunt for the right front caster tires of the electric wheelchair. The lady on the other end insisted that I take the tire off and measure the inside space of the tire. I'll show you a picture so it makes more sense. I must say--it took a lot of work to take it apart the first time and remember how to put it back together. I didn't have the strength to push one of the washers back in the spring loaded assembly, so none the less it is already short a washer--but it works! This was the last thing on the planet that I even remotely desired to do. I knew I'd need some manly muscular power to reassemble the caster by re-aligning the bolt hole and then hammering the bolt back through the center of the tire. All of which I didn't have this kind of strength. I also didn't want to take it apart in case I wanted to go somewhere during the day with it. So I procrastinated dismantling it until 1 hour prior to the online store closing. hehe Would you believe it? I'm not sure if it was my rage or my skill. I had the tire off of its caster and completely disassembled in a matter of 5 minutes! 

 So this is the amazing part I had to measure, but couldn't have done with it all assembled. I just pray these tires fit when they arrive. I shall guard them with my life--cause I don't want to fight having to find another set of tires. Believe me...I've hunted down every golf cart, scooter, quad, and wheelchair part store on the planets internet.
The even better part--I sucked up my pride and knocked on a neighbors door to help me push the bolt back in place. The sisters' husband wasn't home. But seconds after I opened my front door and proceeded to walk in, somebody was dropping him off at the curb from a ride home. Rather than pounce him, I figured Antonio would be home soon enough to fix the tire. Approximately 1 1/2 minutes later, there was a knock at my door and there stood the lovely couple ready to assist me. Within a matter of seconds--I must say he had buff paws...everything was put back together. He even lifted the chair top and helped set it down on the base and lock it into place. Then he suggested some other "choice" tools out of the selection we owned that would help prevent any future stripping of the screws. 

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