Sunday, January 1, 2012

Humanitarian Quilts

I've been sewing quilt squares together from kits that I recently picked up at the Layton D.I. It helps me to do something productive when I'm not feeling well enough to go outside. Also, I wanted the experience of putting together abstract pieces of fabric to make a colorful quilt. I'm not sure that the D.I. fabric is my best example of beautiful abstractness, but it is a starting grounds. 

I don't have a picture of the other quilt I put together. It had strips of fabric instead of squares. Both made full sized quilts. I only sewed the fronts and took them back to be bound at the D.I. Our living room is lacking in size to be able to set up quilting frames and do them here. The humanitarian couple were excited to receive the 2 quilt tops that I made in 1 day. Next Tuesday they will go up to be quilted. The center has received word from Salt Lake City, that they are cutting back the hours they are open. Apparently the warehouses in Salt Lake City are stocked to the brim, and all the donations received will be to service the organizations in the local area. Money will be given to Stake Presidents for areas to purchase necessary humanitarian supplies. It is so expensive to ship blankets ect. to most areas. They were given figures of plane expenses that were jaw dropping. Anyway, this will begin to be implemented except in a few sparse areas of the world where supplies can't be purchased to make quilts ect., because the stores are lacking. Shipments will still be sent to these few select areas of the world. 

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