Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hashimoto Diet Dairy & Gluten-Free

I completed a complex amount of labs including my saliva about 1 week before Christmas. I will be eating a dairy & gluten free diet for the next 3 weeks. By then, labs will be back to determine what absorbtion problems I have or food allergies. 
   Day 1 has not been very great, so I'm not looking forward to the upcoming weeks. The liver detox powder gave me a headache within 10 min., and I developed hives within 30 min. of sitting at church. So needless to say I ditched Sunday school and felt pretty cruddy. I've decided to try and document my meals, though I didn't photograph dinner since I was starving and picture taking wasn't on the top of my agenda. 

 The powder to cleanse my liver has a gooey texture that I despise. I blended it with a banana to try and chug it down. Turkey sausage was actually a lifesaver. Cream of buckwheat cereal--not great, but over the course of the day has become a staple to survive.
Lunch with sweet potato fries, turkey sausage, and apple, celery, almond slivers, and sunflower seeds. Thankfully that nasty powder for the first 4 days will only be consumed before breakfast. My tastebuds are learning to acclimate to a new spectrum of flavor. 

Today is day 5. I'm actually shocked I've survived so well! I'm learning to love fruits and veggies--as that is the closest to sweets I will be having for the next month or so. Cream of Buckwheat or "buttwheat" as I frequently call it, is actually becoming tastier with each passing day. I think I'd put it on equal grounds as my all time favorite cream of wheat! I got to have a phone appt. w/my Dr. down in South Jordan. I will have them weekly for the next 6 months to track my progress. I was anxious for the appt, yet alleviated afterwards. Kind of comforting, good to hear positive news when the restrictions of foods are hard to manage. So the nasty Clear Vite that is supposed to cleanse my liver is either going to be done in 3 weeks (when the 2 canisters would be emptied w/normal doses) or sooner if my hives go haywire with the increasing dosages. Good to know how long the torture will last! Next Thursday I should hear back about the results of all the labs that were run. I've requested that I receive copies of all my lab reports in addition to everything the Dr. discusses w/me on the phone. Digestion is still the same...out of whack. Mineral oil, and Milk of Magnesia are my last 2 operative weapons. So other than the new influx of hives, I haven't noticed a change in my level of energy ect. I hear that it takes 10 days to get gluten out of your system, so I still have some days to go. I haven't yet figured out how to make sacrament bread that doesn't have egg or other vital ingredients that I'm not allowed to eat with my limited diet. So I've just been taking the sacrament and putting my trust in the hands of the Lord that I'm doing the best that I know how to do. 
         Speaking of sacrament meeting...A few weeks ago, a young child pulled the fire alarm. Quite impressive..the alarms actually talk and tell you there is an emergency and to evacuate to the nearest exit. The alarm went off exactly as the sacrament was starting to be passed. Not all the fire alarms in our building are the same design, so as the bishops discovered..none of them had keys to shut off the alarm and strobe lights. We sit in the back area, and they finally got the lights in the chapel turned off, except in the back. I went out to the foyer since the lights were causing my head to feel like a refrigerator was alive in it. My face was twitching and I preferred to avoid a seizure if at all possible. There was a bit of a mix up with the sacrament and everyone receiving it since there is a boy in our ward with Aspergers on the Autism spectrum. He is highly afraid of fire alarms. So when it went off, out the door he went. He left his sacrament tray and refused to come back inside. Let's just say it was an interesting Sunday! 

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