Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Day!

For Christmas we only had Sacrament meeting at Church. We sang in the choir, so after the Primary sang we got to sit in the comfy seats on the stand. We rented from the Redbox on Saturday "The Smurf movie", so we watched it as a family after sacrament meeting so that we could return it before we were charged for a 2nd day rental. It was a really cute movie! I enjoyed all the humor using the key phrase of "Smurf". 
      Christmas was a lot of fun! "J" wore a santa hat and helped pass out the gifts. He was excited to see the gifts that we got for him. Due to state regulations I had to make sure he wasn't in any of the pictures I'd want to upload. Anyway, he is a good addition to our family, and he enjoys being with us. Antonio and I got him a t-shirt from BYU-Idaho. 
 The presents nestled under the imaginary tree. haha We couldn't figure out where to put the tree that Ruby wouldn't knock bulbs around or chew on the tree. Space was the 2nd problem. Anyway, we enjoyed all the nativities on display instead and it worked out well! 
This is a cross-stiched picture of Germany and all the cities there. Mom made one and gave it to my grandparents back several years ago. Elizabeth decided to make a replica of it for my mom. She was pretty excited! We lived there for 5 years, so it is a bit of history.  

 Dad teasing Holly with some of her new toys. He recently had his kidney removed and appendix, so he is still taking it easy. He is enjoying his jean quilt mom made for him. 
 The "3 amigos". It is nice having Elizabeth home from school for the semester! I haven't been maintaining a normal body temperature hence the blanket. 
 Ruby loved her new toys, but never developed the concept to unwrap them. haha Probably a good thing, since I don't want her shredding/destroying things we give her, or she sneaks! 
 I think the flash didn't go off--This is Dad and his new router! He is quite excited and can't wait to be able to use it in the garage as his health and stamina increases. 
                                Another ball that Ruby got for Christmas. 
 Mom and Dad gave Antonio and I 5 gallon buckets and gamma lids! We will really put these to use! Santa gave us a water fountain with rocks and I'm pretty excited about it. I love fountains and hearing the trickling of the water. Antonio got me a snuggie with penguins on it. I got him a pair of pajama pants with BYU on them. He really likes them. 

                                                My loot!
Holly got a few stuffed animals and I gave her a piggy ear! She was pretty excited! 

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