Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 8 I can't believe I've made it this far!

It has been a busy week! I've been to 3 bridal showers which were kind of awkward by the fact that I couldn't eat anything there. I'm glad I was able to support my friends. I have quite a stockpile of precious delicacies which I hope in the future to be able to partake of. The last bridal shower had creme puffs. They've been properly wrapped in saran wrap and are awaiting me when I'm available! 

Saturday I helped unload a trailer full of firewood. It snowed 2-3 inches Friday night, and we forgot to cover the trailer, so it took twice as long to dust the snow off of each hunk of wood. Then throw it in the wheelbarrow and haul it to the wood pile. I only dusted and chucked wood into the wheelbarrow, but it was exhausting enough to waste me for the remainder of the day. I've found very little supply of energy on this diet of primarily fruits and veggies w/a little helping of meat. 
Later in the day for my part-time job, we took "J" to the Kiwanis Park and let him go sledding. I made it down about 5 times, mostly because I love sledding but the walk back up the hill was tiring. I munched on my portable salad and wished that I could call it a day and go to bed. I think Saturday was the most worn out that I have been in a long number of months. 

I've lost about 5 pounds. Losing weight was not my goal, but it has been noted. I'm praying that my lab results are in by my appt. on Thursday so that I can hopefully start adding food choices back into my diet. I'm on the fence as to what should come first, corn, butter, potatoes, or pasta. I think it would be wishful to ask for pasta first, but popcorn would be absolutely Amazing! I'm mostly tired of a lack of flavor in my foods. I'm not allowed to add anything except salt/pepper. I'm not fond of quinoa! I love and savor over buckwheat--though when I'm frustrated I call it "Buttwheat". Even the gagging liver cleanse has become manageable. Unsweetened almond milk went from bearable to a delicacy. I haven't craved sugar so long as I haven't been face to face with it. I think at this point it is more of a mind dwelling than an actual craving. My mind remembers how good things were and can even just about bring the smell and taste of things. Interesting how the brain works! I'm not sure it is a stress-free diet on my body. I've had speech interruptions , facial twitching, left eye twitching and buzzing/static feelings in my head of which I haven't had since my chaotic seizure days. I'm sure the Dr. would call this inflammation in my brain ect. I'm just hoping that this diet sees more positive outcomes in the coming forth days. 

Day 13: Not feeling great today. Not much energy and a lousy head cold. Contemplating the possibility of quitting the diet. Lost a total of 7 lbs. now. No difference noted in energy levels. In fact if any, it would be a great diminish in ability to have energy. Discussed the pros' and cons' of my lab results with my husband and family--oddly enough we were sitting outside around the fire barrel while they were roasting marshmallows in the snow. Prayed about it a lot.  Felt the need to end the diet before the 30 day period in which I could get a refund back. Called, and emailed. They were closed, but I managed to get a hold of them by Monday. Made the drive to South Jordan, UT to get an official cancellation of the contract and reimbursement of supplies not used. I feel good about my decision. It is so amazing to eat REAL food! I don't have the sugar cravings anymore, but certainly am enjoying what I eat with a little more heartfelt gratitude. 

Labs reveal that somehow I either have a parasite or human protozone. Not sure what that means, but it wasn't identifiable in the list of the top 25 parasites. 7/9 of my good bacteria is too high and therefore causing absorbtion and permeability issues. If I stuck with the diet, they'd spend 1-1/2 months killing off the excess good bacteria and replacing it with an appropriate level of bacteria. Personally--that doesn't sound like it would feel even slightly okay. Hormones are wacky, but nothing new. I'm apparently 70% into pre-menopausel kingdom. Doesn't make much sense, considering I'm not even 30 yet...But that is what the labs point to. I still want to research the internet just for my own personal knowledge of the labs. It doesn't put a damper in my mind though. Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and he is the one in charge. Just because a lab test says something, doesn't mean he can't heal me or allow me the opportunity to be a mother to someone more than my pup Ruby. With God, nothing is impossible!

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