Sunday, May 29, 2011


So I, Antonio, had the joy of working as a para-educator for 6 months with the Madison School District. I worked at South Fork Elementary School and loved it. It wasn't easy every day, but it was worth it and I would do it all over again if I could. Sadly enough school is out for the summer and I will be student teaching in the fall, so no more work at South Fork. I got a shirt from the District as well as the  School. I was also very fortunate to receive gifts from faculty and PTO at the school. I have included pictures of all of these things in this post. P.S. please excuse the mess, I did not take the time to set up the background for the photos. I was too excited to get the pictures posted to worry about the background mess.


1 comment:

  1. Very cool gifts and shirts. FANTASTIC! Well Done. Now for the last semester of good grades and STUDENT TEACHING! Yea! Love you!
