Saturday, May 14, 2011

Outdoor Cooking 13 May 2011

Today we had the warmth of the sunshine for our 4 hour class. Whew! Talk about NO SHADE!! I sure got burnt! Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Today we did a little more kitchen prep than we usually do before we headed outside for the cooking of our items. My group made baklava with figs. I was a little hesitant at first about figs used as the filling instead of some other fruit mixture. I tried a fig, although not my favorite--it wasn't bad. Here are some pictures of the day!

 Creamed corn with bacon on top. It was more scrumptious than I anticipated it being.
                          Carne Asada-Yum! After they were cooked, we wrapped them in a tortilla. 

                  Kabobs with mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions.
     Baklava in a round cake pan sitting on top of a trivet inside the   dutch oven.
 A pickup truck was parked in the above lot to bring the half barrel, dutch oven, propane stove, and other supplies in. So we trecked up and down that bushy hill to have the larger necessary supplies readily available. 

                                                  This is the start of week 3!

                     Reflector ovens with cinnamon rolls nestled inside.

                                Grilling the chicken to be used on the pizza. 

                                          Chicken pizza! I wasn't thrilled with the crust, but it was interesting how it came together. 
 Cinnamon rolls from the reflector ovens! They were amazing!
                  Seasoning the dutch ovens at the end of class.

 Week 4: Cooking underneath the Testing Center Stairs since it was raining outside.

 This is a neat picture that hangs in the stairwell of the Clarke building. I really like it, so it is included in this post for the fact that it was taken in the building at the time of my cooking class.

 This is what happens when you slice the end of your finger off instead of a bundle of green onions!

May 27th Class!
 Rhoades rolls were in the bottom, potatos sliced with corn (potatoes au' gratin), mushrooms with a creamy sauce, and peach cobbler on the top. We also had ribs that were cooked separately and brought to class. 
She is in our cooking group. I would have had more pictures, but I had a seizure during class, and therefore was not in the picture taking frenzy. 

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