Monday, July 4, 2011

June 14th Rexburg, ID Ancestor

A lot has happened, so I'm going to do my best to post a TON of pictures and explain what happened around the taking of the pictures. 

We'll a shock to me, but I actually have an ancestor buried in the Rexburg, Idaho cemetery. I've wanted to check the cemetery out for the past 3 years that I've been in Idaho, but had I any earlier and I would have completely missed out on noticing my ancestor. I've found a vast supply of family history books on the 2nd floor of the BYU-Idaho library. I met a senior missionary who has transformed my way of researching and I'm loving every moment of it. I've really been focusing on finding sources for all of my researching. I've also tried to focus in on a particular family instead of the entire tree. It has made my researching much more successful. So about 7pm, I came across a biography on that said my ancestor was buried in the Rexburg, Idaho cemetery. So on the spur of the moment, I asked Antonio if he wanted a break from homework. He did. So I called my sister and our cemetery adventure began. It was tricky finding the plot even when we looked at the plot map. We eventually did find her though, and it was so peaceful by her headstone. We also took a LOT of pictures of the other headstones. It gave me a new perspective and some ideas for what I'd want my headstone to look like after I pass on. There were some really cute ones, and creative ones. 
 Elizabeth roasting marshmallows. We had a BBQ. This was a different day from the family history, but it was in the same batch of pictures to be uploaded. 
 Plot 22 Supposedly she is buried with her husband, but the actual headstone doesn't mention his name. 

 This one I took a picture of since it is my sister Elizabeths' initials. hahaha

 My ancestors' headstone! It was so exciting to finally locate it. The little metal plates in the ground signifying which row and aisle you are standing in were partly covered with grass and so hard to see. 

 This is the row and aisle plate that we had a hard time locating. 

 It was super windy, but so much fun! Surprising I'm sure, but I look forward to doing it again.

                                             I'm not exactly sure what this is.

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