Saturday, June 11, 2011

BYU-Idaho Ropes Course

Today June 11th, 2011 is an Adaptive Ropes Course activity ending the week long awareness week. I've been pretty excited and looking forward to this activity. I woke up with my head not feeling perfect, but not horrid either. So I took 2 Extra Strength Excedrin and gave it a go for the day. It actually helped and I was feeling pretty good for the 3 hours we were up at the ropes course. It was a LOT of fun and I can't wait to do it again! 
I've wanted to climb the tower for a long time, but have never had the strength to do it, so I was pretty excited when I learned that I could do an assistance climb up the tower. This was done through the help of another student whose weight counter-balanced my weight. He came down slowly as I went up. He actually weighed a little more than I did, so at times I just kind of ascended upwards without doing much climbing myself. It enabled me to get to the top and back down without completely exhausting myself. 

                            Getting my harness on and ready!

                          Waiting for my turn! I'm so excited!!

The guy in the maroon shirt is my counter-balance weight like a pendelum on a clock. He's making it easier for me to climb since I'm not pulling my full body weight.

                                       50 ft. to the top!

                                          Coming down!

                      Getting ready to do the 30 ft. rope swing!

I held onto a rope in my right hand and when I let go of it, that is what released me to drop and swing.

                    Elizabeth getting ready to do the rope swing.

This is Kristin & Kevin's cousin Cynthia who came from out of state to visit them. 

Elizabeth getting ready to be counter-balance weight for someone else.

                            Kristin Meacham-A friend of ours.

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