Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dehydration & Alternative Cooking Project

Elizabeth and I are a team to create an alternative form of cooking. We decided to make popcorn in a soda can and use Kool-Aid as a flavoring topping syrup for our popcorn. It should be interesting to try it out on Saturday. We've done a few test runs already and feel pretty confident in our project. 
For the dehydration portion, I decided to make Salsa. Elizabeth made Chicken Noodle Soup. It was sadly ironic, but I accidently tipped over a container holding water on top of part of her dehydrating soup. We had the dehydrator in the cutting room part of the sewing lab, since it was going to stay open until 10pm. The culinary kitchen closed at 5pm, and our projects needed more time in the dehydrator. So we bardered with a faculty member until he gave us permission to move the dehydrator so we could have access to in 4 hours later. As it turned out, the food needed more time in the dehydrator and we ended up turning the heat temperature down and running it all night long. The water I accidently tipped over was for an iron I think. I hadn't even noticed that it was there in the first place. Needless to say, it is done! Whew! What a stressful week!

We used black cherry Kool-Aid. More pictures to come when we have completed our camping excursion!

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