Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rexburg 4th of July Parade

                  Ruby eating breakfast. She scarfs her breakfast. Holly usually eats her kibble throughout the day piece by piece. Ruby just eats in one spot until she is satisfied. 
 The old setup didn't allow for us to have air flow at night time. Having the bedroom door open helps tremendously. We don't have air conditioning, so our future beholds the investing of fans. 

Bagpipe players. 

 A little hard to see, but Elizabeth and Chelsea are sitting on the ground in the very front. This was actually an intersection we were sitting in. 

 Salt Lake Express. The main mode of transportation for students going to and from the SLC airport at the beginning and ending of semesters. It is about $47.50 to go from Rexburg BYU-Idaho to Ogden, UT.

 Oliver Twist drama group advertising their future showings and production. 

This is the new setup for Ruby. Baby gates are so amazing! The front gate by the refrigerator wasn't long enough, so I improvised. That little detail didn't occur to me at the store. Plus, I wouldn't have wanted to pay the $25-35 for the larger gates. These gates were $10 each. 

1 comment:

  1. I was there also, too bad I didn't run into you to meet your dear little Ruby.
