Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pride Jazzy Jet 2 HD Powerchair Update!

I received a phone call yesteday and here are some links to see what my refurbished powerchair will look like. I'm mostly excited that it will be fit to me, so more comfy.  

This is the link to the actual pdf website for the organization that is helping me receive the chair. 

This is another link of the same chair in case you can't pull up the last pdf. It will have the captain tall back seat. They are adding a seatbelt at my request. My plan is to use it outdoors primarily. We don't have wheelchair access at my parents home currently, so it will be stored in the garage when not in use. I've never had this style of power chair, so it will be a new adventure getting acquainted with it. I'm soo excited for Easter Sunday tomorrow!

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