Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sour Dough Bread, Bears, & Breadsticks!

I have a sour dough starter that I'm having to keep track of. Like a bossy little plant...keeps me feeding it with flour and water. I decided to made rolls out of the sour dough starter. Then I made a 2nd batch of bread and turned it into bread sticks. The leftover dough I decided to make into two adorable bread bears. I used craisins for their eyes! Wow...Did I make the house smell scrumptious! 

We have an itty bitty little kitchen, so most of my cooking space is on top of the stove. 

                                    I started rice in the cooker for Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner.

                                                         Laying out greased cookie sheets!

                                                                  Washed the dishes.

                                 The left dough rising has the sour dough starter in it. The right
                                 just the yeast foaming.
                                                             I dabbed the tops with butter.

                                                                Hot out of the oven!

                                                             2nd Batch almost done rising.


                                                      My seasoning mixture! I love Winco!

                                                                 I coated the bears with egg.

Egg bread bears

                                                                            Bread sticks.

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