Monday, February 28, 2011

Seizures :[

I missed getting to see 2 people play their violins in Sacrament meeting today because of my face twitching. All the furniture was taken up by residing members who prefer the foyer to the chapel, so I picked the carpet. If I were to select a spot in the future--I'd definitely pick it away from the hallway. I completely forgot that in addition to our ward, there'd be another ward trying to pass through the same narrow hallway. Too late! I had 1 seizure. I could tell that it was going to be a pain in the butt one, since it wasn't ending. Antonio timed it as lasting 15 min. Then a few min. later I got a 2nd one while everyone was trying to scurry around me in the hallway--a bit mortifying if you ask me. I sat up after this one ended, but my head just felt really terrible. So I ended up laying back down for the next one to start. The last one went into Sunday school time. Bishop told Antonio to take me home, but I finally was feeling descent. So with my stubborn self, we stayed for our final hour of Priesthood & Relief Society. We got a new Relief Society Presidency--things will be very interesting in the upcoming weeks! So my grand total for this month is 25 seizures...I think we took the total for January and squared it literally--not that I often think about Math. Since it is my least favorite subject! Hopefully, this was just a fluke and things will settle down back to a more normal monthly total. 

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