Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I started working on some family history this even at about 6pm. I ended for the night at 11:30pm. Wow...I don't know where the time went, but I know it went. My brain and butt are dead. I filled out 19 family group record sheets, and I'll have to get some more tomorrow from the library. I was given 2-3 packets about 1 year ago, we'll I just about finished them off. I'm up to 5,350 people in my family tree! That is about 250 that I've added this past week. I now have 2 dull pencils, 1 tired paw, and frazzled brain. Hopefully, this will help us make some much needed progress on our Temple work!

So this is from earlier this week!
My sister was asking me to help her find her dorm room arrangement online document. The link, not surprising..anyhow it was dead. But by mistake--or divine intervention--you decide; my computer found a website listing some of our family history. So I spent until about 3:15am in the morning copying the information into our tree. Yeah, I know....I should've been in bed dead asleep by that hour. I figured that somebody on the other side of the veil worked pretty hard to get me to that particular page, so I better do my best to obtain as much of the information as I could. I did finally go to bed, and finish working on it the next morning. 

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