Saturday, May 5, 2012

Amazing Race & Seizure

This evening we participated in a fundraiser for the young women of our ward. It was an "Amazing Race." We were told repeatedly that this was an "All abilities", young or old could participate. I have to say I don't know what planet they were contriving this info. from.

The actual concept was a fun scavenger hunt, but there was a problem with their code. We got the math correct, counted all the correct rows of chairs in the amphitheatre, but all 5 couples of us couldn't figure it out. Someone called on a "Help" # we were given and we headed to the 2nd place which was the Aquatics Center. Inside is where we should have taken the wheelchair inside, but didn't realize it. The alternate option for me was to walk around the perimeter of this humongous basketball court area, vs. get 20 free throws in the basket. Even in a wheelchair, there's no way I could have made it around the perimeter. I opted just to shoot hoops. We only made it to 8, before we were the only couple left. They told us to aim for 10, and after we got 9, a guy made the last basket for us. (I think the last basketball shooting I've done was wheelchair basketball on campus with my power chair.)

Anyway, we are apparently great at getting the ball in the box and hoop area, but not at through the net. 

The next location was a park. Kind of tricky figuring out who is a parent with their kids at the park vs. a young women or leader I don't really know. We finally found the person and Antonio recited the 5 Great Lakes. The next option was to go to the park by the church. There were 2 games. Ours was to fill up a 5 gallon bucket with cups of water back and forth. The other was to hit cups off a table by throwing balls. 

The last was to stack 11 cups in a certain way to be able to pour a pitcher of water on top of them and it become a waterfall. Pretty cool to watch, but not enough time to do it, since we came in last. 

The experience was neat, but I was really not feeling the best today to make it my greatest experience.

I had taken 660mg of Naproxin just to make it to the Baked Potato dinner and activity. I came in my wheelchair, which I usually don't use at church. I spent most of the day in bed. I'm not contagious, but have endometriosis and it has been 4 years since my last laparoscopy, so I was in a great deal of pain. 

I came in so they could announce the winners. My face started twitching, so I knew a seizure was in the near future. 

I couldn't stand for the amount of time they were taking to figure out the final winner, so I sat on the floor against the wall. I just felt incredibly drained, and all the energy run out of me. Completely wasted, my head felt funny like before a seizure. No pain, just not normal. I laid down on the carpet, and the seizure  started shortly after I laid down. It seemed like it was cycling slower and longer than some of my more recent seizures. I'm just grateful that I somehow tune a lot of stuff out during seizures, since it was the first full seizure I've had at a ward function. I prefer not to be the center of attention. This sounds like an impossible wish, but it'd be awesome for everyone to get amnesia before tomorrow so I don't have to hear 50 bigillion people ask if I'm alright. Clearly...still alive and kicking. 

On a side note just before we got our clue cards, they said that if anyone had a broken arm, leg ect. they could use the optional clue card. The funny guy at our table smacked his elbow into the table, and said shucks...didn't break. We'll the ironic part of all this, is that his chair busted. Hahahaha!! It was hilarious. It was a slow bend of the metal chair and he slowly sunk to the ground. He was beat red, looked shocked, and said, "I guess I'll be sitting on the ground." It was hilarious! Their name is the Rice family. I hope we get to know them better--because they are a real hoot!

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