Friday, August 20, 2010

University of Utah Hospital

I guess this is the Al-a-mode view.
40 lb. blocks of cheese at Welfare Square in SLC, Utah.
Making jars of Jam.
          We went down to SLC so I could get my portable EEG monitor to wear for 4 days. The hospital was HUGE. It is a level 4, so the highest and only location in the west region for the seizure study and epilepsy program. The hospital provided free valet parking which was kind of fun. It took 2 hours for the tech to do all the measurements and glue the electrodes onto my head. 

          On day 2, we took a tour of Sweet's Candy Factory and Welfare Square. We weren't able to take any pictures of the factory, but enjoyed some yummy samples of candy! 

         On the 3rd day, we found the "U" on the hillside. It was fun! By the 3rd day, I felt I was finally getting used to sleeping with the monitor on. It took a little effort at first to thread the monitor through my clothing to get dressed in the morning. Then to enjoy a refreshing baby wipe bath since I couldn't shower for those 4 days. 

           When we went for the last day to get my monitor removed, we checked out Primary Children's Hospital. We enjoyed dark chocolate Dreyer's yogurt ice cream in the cafeteria. That hospital is AMAZING! The check-in information desk was a pirate's ship. There was a fish bowl with wiggling fish through the clear window of the elevator. It took 20 min. of scrubbing in the hospital shower to make myself presentable with a hat on. Then it took another 40 min. plus 1/2 a bottle of nail polish remover for Mom to help me comb out the rest of the cement. Not my favorite part of the process. My scalp is still a bit tender. The tech ripped off a few patches of my skin on the front of my forehead while removing the leads. 
         Now that my referral has finally been received, we are waiting to hear when my appointment with the neurologist will be. We're hoping they can get me in before school starts again, so our schedules don't conflict with the craziness of school beginning and needing to drive back down to Utah.

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