Thursday, August 19, 2010

4th of July in Rexburg 2010

We decided to stay in Rexburg for the 4th of July weekend so we could catch up on school assignments in preparation for Finals. Artic Circle was celebrating a number of years for being open, so they offered free soda. We went through the drive through a few times throughout the week of celebration. We attended the 4th of July parade on main street. It was a larger parade than I thought it'd be. We scored a nice couple of handfuls of candy and Elizabeth got a plant from the BYU-I Horticulture float that looks like it'll be a Rhubarb plant. Dinner together was a family favorite of Hawaiian Haystacks. The fireworks at the Fairgrounds were fun to watch, though a little shorter than I expected. We purchased fireworks from a few stands around town with Elizabeth and decided to set them off in our complex parking lot.  It was a lot of fun! We had a ground bloom try and hop the sidewalk. Antonio and Elizabeth leaped over the brick wall to avoid the incoming firework. We laughed a lot!

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