Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tender Blessings Disguised as Luck

We'll, I finally got in to see a doctor this last Friday. I called a lot of places around town and kept getting passing around from phone office to office. So then I started doing searches for local doctors offices to my zip code. The amazing part is that they were able to fit me in about 2 hours later. I have paperwork from the state office that I needed to get filled out regarding my work status. The workforce services dept. will pay for the appt., so it was important to get in soon as the paperwork is time sensitive. 

So I get in, and the Physicians Assistant goes through the routine questions. She says she has no problem filling out my paperwork, but she has a suggestion of a better idea. She said she was willing to not bill the appt. today and not get paid in order for me to get in with the neurologist that works in their office next week. WOW!!! I just happened to pick the Family Practice office that also has a Neurologist in its staff. I had brought my 4 years of medical records in which made up about 4 inches of papers. They happily copies them all and even flagged them as I had according to tests, EEG's, Labs, ect. So I'm waiting till Monday to figure out what the plan will be, but since the State will pay for whatever tests are necessary to determine disability, the doctor is hoping I can get additional testing done and medical help through the forms as long as they file the appropriate papers, the forms will pay for everything. Next week is sure a LOT sooner than the 14 month wait list I've been sitting on at the County clinic for a neurologist. My dream is to be able to go to the Mayo clinic either in Rochester or Arizona, but I am grateful that some things are working out in the meantime. 

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