Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th, 2011

I have to say that I am sick and tired of seeing everyone's posts about commemorating 9/11. First of all, why does it take a tragic event to be patriotic? What about the victims of the Holocaust, Vietnam, WW1/WW2, Desert Storm, Iraq ect. 
I know I'm a bit cranky today and not feeling the greatest, but really people. If you aren't waving your flag year-round, then what right do you have to call yourself patriotic on a specific day!   {Stepping off my soap box.....}

Today was a relatively good day at church. We has a small debate during Relief Society about the Spirit World after we die. I didn't realize that we will be in an adult form during that frame of time. Interesting! The main debate was ridiculous. None of us are dead, so it is not like one person can adequately declare another's salvation or lack thereof. The point I brought out in argument is the fact that we aren't perfected until the resurrection. I guess ignorance is bliss for some people. I actually stayed in my church dress until the afternoon. I went to Choir at 3pm. It seems like a nice song. We are going to sing it next Sunday. I sing soprano, but not old lady style as I told the choir director. I re-located my seat since I was getting agitated by the little kids around me making a ruckus. This evening we had a nice cool breeze outside. I never saw any signs of the thunderstorms we were supposed to get, but it was a nice breeze coming through the house. I've mostly parked myself on the couch with a small blanket as I have not been doing a good job at managing my body temperature lately. Sometimes I'm scorching hot while others are clearly fine, and other times I'm freezing when people around me are soaking up the breeze of the swamp cooler. I'm hoping things get resolved soon as I'm tired of biting my tongue as to not flip out at people because I'm so easily agitated and don't feel good. I sure hope my future beholds better health. I know everyone has challenges that are fitting for them individually, but it seems like mine have been really far fetched and lengthly. I guess I just feel really overdue for some good health. 

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