Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 A Year in the Making!

This is a link to the mormon ad message for the new year. I really enjoyed viewing it! I'm not good w/technical support, so I've not figured out why the video won't appear, but the link is above. 

My goal this year is to make the most out of every moment despite my health status. Life is too short to worry and get lost in the details. I recently purchased a new sewing machine. Although it is on backorder, I'm hoping to learn to sew childrens'
 and eventually adult clothing once I acquire it. I plan to further my passion for quilting with new fun stitches! 

Gratitude for my appendages occurred today when I smashed my left index finger between 5 tables at a Relief Society sewing activity this morning. I apparently smashed it hard enough it began to bleed. Not a problem if I had noticed it, but I hadn't until it had bled  across my hand. I held in my yelp when I smashed it, since I didn't want to have to explain the stupidity of my injury. Though it still managed to be revealed, and eventually I found myself standing in a closet hunting down bandaids in an ancient 1950's first aid kit.
Kind of random thought...But what's up with all the dead birds! Is there a bird reunion occurring in heaven? They've been literally dropping out of the sky, and several can be seen where they've plopped, or landed in the church parking lot.

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