Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Elizabeth is coming home today!

I haven't posted probably in an eon. Ruby is keeping me plenty busy and growing like a horse. She is 40 lbs. I could barely lift her to weigh her. 

I've found solace and refuge in my heart. Working really hard to keep  stress at bay. Taking each day at a time and being super excited and grateful for the few days I feel absolutely AMAZING! 

I'm pretty excited that Elizabeth is coming home today. I've definitely missed getting to do fun activities with her since she's been away at BYU-Idaho alone this semester. We got pretty creative some days at what we found to do. 

I'm also PREPARED for WAR!!! Antonio recently bought a NERF gun w/6 bullets. Elizabeth and I already had ours from years ago. Even our foster sibling purchased his own gun so we can have a war. I said I'd even have it outside in the snow....that is if we got any snow that stayed. I'll definitely get some pics posted of our war and festivities.

I'm hoping that we can get some family pictures taken since 3/4 of the house was contaminated with the flu last Thanksgiving. We are desperately lacking in recent complete family photos. 

My brother is currently residing in Afghanistan. He'll be there for 6 months. I got to hear his voice on Skype as well as the sounds of planes taking off in the background. It was like a LIVE Google World experience! :D  

I got our hotel reservation for Antonio's graduation taken care of in December. He will be getting his teaching certificate and Bachelors degree. He has been thoroughly enjoying his student teaching experience at Centerville Jr. High, here in Utah. We are hoping the job market is fruitful and we are blessed with whatever the Lord has in store for us.

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