Monday, July 4, 2011

AM Disruption, Family History, and SLC Temple Sealing of Antonio's Cousin.

 So I woke up from a nightmare about being chased by T-Rex's, and my nose was gushing blood. It was tricky to get out of bed and into the bathroom before leaving a blood trail. I just barely made it as you can see in the 2nd picture. My first all-time bloody nose in bed. I can tell you I wasn't very thrilled to be changing bed sheets and cleaning up the mess at 2:30am. 
 These are pictures that I took from a pioneer book for the men that were pioneers and that have pictures recorded. Sometime in the future I want to take pictures of the women from pioneer history in our ancestral line. 

 The SLC Temple. We went down for a cousin of Antonio who was getting sealed. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot, and I can't say it would ever be too cold considering we are from Rexburg, ID.
                                                          The lovely couple!

              Bear Lake 2011! I finally got to go. Usually family goes when I'm in the middle of a semester.

                          The kid inside of me! It was a fun playground!

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