Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Dawgs life!

It has been blazing hot here, I think summer has official arrived! I've been more active then I have been in a while, but also feel more lazy because the heat really sucks the life out of me. 

I've been without a power chair for the last 2 weeks because the Pronto was returned and the group in SLC I got it from thinks that they have a better chair for me and the outdoors. It didn't have any shock absorbency so it hurt my back with the rods in my back when I used it. The new one is a Jazzy. I like Jazzy's better since you can go farther on a full charge mileage wise. It's been a bum deal though in the waiting time since I can't walk Ruby in the evenings. 

Monday-Wed. we are going up to Crystal Hot Springs camping as a family. I'm hoping the weather is not as hot as the weatherman is predicting, but am excited to try out our new tent and camping equipment. 

I finally got a calling at church! Partly due to my sarcasm and initiative, but I'm official. I am the Ward Website Administrator. I work with keeping the ward calendar update, and the directory. I'm grateful for this opportunity and especially glad that this bishop didn't play the whole..."you are sick/delapitated take it easy routine." I'm obviously not terminal whatever is going on with my body, or I would have already kicked the bucket. *Step off my soapbox* 

We purchased fishing poles and licenses. We are learning to FISH! The fish still scare me, but I must say it was still fun to catch the 2 I've caught so far! 

                                        Rainbow Trout!

Last week I spent up at Bear Lake, Ideal Beach in Garden City, UT. My relatives have a timeshare and we joined them up there for some fun. 

I went through the Minnetonka Cave, which was a miracle I made it through and out safely. It was not a hilly smooth path as I had read online, but 888 stairs and up and down the entire cave. An aerobic workout for sure. It was neat to see the stalactites and stalagmites. 

$7 admission for Adults They only accept cash. NO Debit/credit cards. It is just a shack with YSA aged tour guides.