Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quilting like Crazy!

I will get pics when I locate my battery charger. I've made 2 quilts tops in the last few days. By Thursday my plan is to have finished 9 quilt tops with the help of my sister Elizabeth for our ward humanitarian stake project. haha (We are probably filling our wards quota by ourselves!!) **Evil laughs**

Since it is Sunday...I'll make a more humble note that the fabric came from donations and was pre-cut by the Relief Society.

I'm still sick. :( I sure hope there is no way to be addicted to Sudafed--considering I'm on my 3rd box of it. 3 colds in 5 weeks. I've had about 3 day intervals of somewhat health before catching another cold. I have no idea who keeps giving them to me, but if I find out~~they are dead!! (Probably not literally!)

I had to take my sister to Walmart to give her money to buy my most recent box of Sudafed. There is a limit to the quantity you can buy per month. 

Speaking of which...I can't be the only one. Since the throat lozenge aisle was severely depleted the last 2 times I've visited it. The pharmacy was out of 30mg Sudafed, so I had to get the 12 hour box. 

Washed my bedding twice now. Consuming Vitamin C & Zinc like candy. Really hoping I can beat the plague soon!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sick :(

Wow...I'm kind of wondering if this is like the plague. I've been sick since Sunday. I started feeling sick after Sacrament meeting, and actually was wondering if I was going to have a seizure. I sat on the couch in the foyer, and ended up consuming the entire couch as I progressively felt worse. When Mom finished up her substitute library duties she drove me home. We all had piled in the car, so we didn't have a 2nd car at church. Not that I could've driven anyways. 

Monday, Tues., and Wed. I felt like death. I went into the County clinic on Tues. morning to get an appt. When I went back in later in the afternoon for some odd reason, I didn't even have a sniffle. I don't know if the cold air helped my cough. The Dr. said she felt I had an upper respiratory infection and it was probably viral. She said to call back on Monday if I wasn't improving. 

Thursday came and I decided call in Friday morning if I still felt like death. I called Friday, and though my Dr. wasn't there, someone else put the prescription in for me at Walmart. I got Arithromycin 250 mg, Z-Pack. Within 30 min. I felt considerably better after taking it. But to be sure it wasn't just the placebo effect, I continued to take extra strength sudafed 120 mg (apparently you can get the good stuff over the counter, but behind the counter!). 

I slept SOOO WELL!!! I can't believe how much quality sleep I got. 

I'm feeling progressively better each day, though I'm still short of breath. Can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is unfortunately going around the family, so I just pray I don't get it back--since my immune system is in the gutter.